Tuesday, 23 November 2010



Considering the nature of your resources
Carry out an audit of the resources required for the setting up and running of your festival.

Your audit should consider:
1 Facilities, spaces and venues:

a) Consider the size and shape of each space you intend to use.
We will need a big space as there will be a lot going on, maybe our school so we could use the outside as well.

b) Is it specialist space e.g. a theatre space or simply a ‘room’?
It should just be a hall space; everyone could fit into it with the different things that will be going on.

c) How might the space be adapted for your use?
It may be adapted by giving me a section to do the photography of people.

d) What health and safety issues need to be considered?
If it is done in the hall, then there will be 3 different fire exits, everyone should be fine if they remain quiet and calm. And to maximum room capacity as it is a big place they should be letting in no more than 600 people.

2 Equipment:
a) Is all the equipment needed available or will you need to borrow or hire some items?
All the equipment is available but has to be borrowed from the school and the teachers, but the bouncy castles have to be hired, as well as the ambulance.

b) Who will set up and/or operate the equipment?
The Creative and media students will be setting up the thing that they will be needing, but mostly the different workshop people will be setting up themselves, but we will be helping as much as we can using the equipment.

c) What health and safety issues need to be considered?
The health and safety issues that need to be considered is the heavy lifting of chairs, tables, amps, music instruments etc. so if it is to heavy then you need someone to help carry things in.

3 Materials:
a) What is your budget for materials?
Ben Cole is sorting out all the budgeting; if we need something then we will go to him and see if it is a reasonable price.

b) How will you use your budget to best effect?
We will look for different offers so we can get more stuff if we get a better offer.

4 Human resources:
a) What are the strengths of the people on your team?
There are lots of strengths of people from this team as some are very organized, creative, brainy, helpful etc.

b) How can you ensure that everybody understands their role and responsibilities in the setting up and running of the festival?
To make sure everyone has a role and is getting involved.

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